Celebrating Those Who Give Their Most Precious Resource: Time

Apr 27, 2022

Dear Friend,

Each of us gets only a limited number of hours.

No matter where we live or what we do, all of us have exactly 24 hours each day, 168 each week, and 8,760 each year.

While we can’t control how many hours we get, we can choose how we spend these hours.

During National Volunteer Month, I’d like to honor those throughout our community who choose to give some of these precious hours to help others.

At the Community Foundation, we’re blessed with an amazing and dedicated board that gives its time to support our work in the community — as well as dozens of volunteers who lend their expertise to committees.

Volunteers such as the late Nancy C. Brown have been the driving force behind programs like the Fund for Women & Girls. Nancy, who we recently profiled on our blog, chose to give some of her time to support programs that elevate and empower young girls of color in Fairfield County.

But she didn’t stop there. During her 65 years in Greenwich, she gave thousands of hours to support organizations like Family Centers of Greenwich and the Urban League of Southwestern Fairfield County — an organization she helped found.

Generosity can come in many forms. And when we look at the legacy of lifelong volunteers like Nancy, it’s clear that the hours they chose to volunteer were hours well spent.

In every corner of our community, volunteers are helping nonprofits deliver needed services and supporting stronger neighborhoods. They’re lending a hand, raising their voices, and sharing their expertise.

They are choosing to give some of their precious time for the greater good. And all of us are richer because of it.

With gratitude,

Juanita T. James
President & CEO
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation