#Prosperity announced at Fund For Women and Girls Leadership Summit
Dec 02, 2015
Stamford, CT December 2, 2015— Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Fund for Women & Girls 3rd Annual Leadership Summit Coincided with #Prosperity Together Funding Announcement
While more than 100 Fairfield County middle school girls from private and public schools participated in presentations, workshops and team-building activities specially designed for this age group to learn leadership skills, a major announcement was being made at a White House summit that will effect the future of programs for women and girls and their economic security.

Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls, a member of Prosperity Together, a nonpartisan partnership of public U.S. women’s foundations, announced a collective five-year, $100 million funding commitment by women’s foundations to create pathways to economic security for low-income women and their families in America. Suzanne Peters, vice president, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls attended the White House summit.
“This historic event, Prosperity Together, demonstrated the impact a movement of powerful women can make. The Summit brought together dynamic experts from academia and the public and private sectors to create an agenda to advance equity for women and girls of color. The unprecedented $100 million investment in women’s economic security will change the future for thousands of low-income children and families,” stated Suzanne Peters vice president, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls. She continued, “Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls is honored to have been included in this commitment and we applaud the President and the White House Council for their part in this effort.”
The partnership of women’s foundations will fund local programs with a proven track record in providing women with job training and childcare, among other supports. Prosperity Together made the announcement at the White House Summit on Advancing Equity for Women and Girls of Color, which focused on a wide range of issues including the barriers and solutions to economic security confronting millions of low-income women living in America.
Right in our own backyard at the same time the Summit was taking place, the Fairfield County girls were completing a survey asking if they consider themselves leaders, and what, if anything precluded them from being one. The results showed that many girls were unsure if they were leaders. Some stated their economic status and clothes (among other things) prevent them from leading. During the summit, girls participated in leadership development workshops led by professionals in conjunction with high school girl leaders. They learned how to become leaders in all areas of their lives. At the end of the event, girls received leadership journals and were encouraged to track their leadership progress. The middle school girls came from throughout Fairfield County including Bridgeport, Greenwich, Darien, Monroe, New Canaan, Norwalk, and Stamford.
“Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls is proactive. We believe Together We Thrive. We are the largest women’s fund in New England and have delivered $5 million in grants to more than 50 organizations serving more than 9,000 women and girls since 1998. Programs are being funded in 22 municipalities in Fairfield County and are in 40 schools, serving females age 5 to 90,”stated Juanita James, President and CEO, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation. She continues, “The Leadership Summit is one of many initiatives we are proud to bring to the girls in Fairfield County. We are also honored to be part of history today with the collective commitment through Prosperity Together of women’s foundations of $100 million over the next five years to fund local programs to provide women with job training and child care, among other supports and focus on their economic security.”

About the Fairfield County’s Community Foundation and The Fund for Women and Girls
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation promotes philanthropy as a means to create change in Fairfield County, focusing on innovative and collaborative solutions to critical issues impacting the community. Individuals, families, corporations and organizations can establish charitable funds or contribute to existing funds. The Community Foundation is in compliance with the Council on Foundations’ national standards, and has awarded over $185 million in grants to nonprofits in Fairfield County and beyond.
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls is the largest women’s fund in New England, delivering $5 million in grants to more than 50 organizations serving more than 9,000 women and girls. Programs are being funded in 22 municipalities in Fairfield County and are in 40 schools, serving females age 5 to 90.
Prosperity Together is a nonpartisan partnership of public U.S. women’s foundations dedicated to improving the economic security of low-income women and their families in America. On November 13 at The White House, Prosperity Together announced a five-year, $100 million funding commitment to invest in programs and strategies that will create pathways to economic security for low-income women in America. Prosperity Together demonstrates the critical role and power of women’s foundations to drive this work in communities, state by state, across the country.