Cutting Through the Noise: How to Become an Ally for Equity in Fairfield County

Jun 24, 2024

Dear Friend,

The idea that everyone in our society should have a fair opportunity to reach their full potential is a quintessentially American concept.

It’s also how those of us who are working to advance equity define the goal of our work.

But if you’ve been following the news or social media with any regularity, you’ve likely been flooded with headlines and opinions that position “equity” as a bad word.

Despite the noise, however, you won’t find the Community Foundation shying away from our commitment to equity.

Now is not the time to back down

Because if you truly believe in the idea that everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed, now is not the time to back down.

We cannot back down because we know our county will truly thrive when all our neighbors have a real chance to participate in its bounty.

We know our community will be stronger when everyone can pursue a quality education, learn the skills they need to build meaningful careers, and receive funding and support for their business ventures.

We know our community will be stronger when people can afford to live where they work, can have access to quality, affordable healthcare and have dependable public resources.

These shouldn’t be controversial ideas. And for most of us, they aren’t.

That’s why instead of retreating in the face of opposition, we’ve chosen to build bridges.

Keep moving forward on the journey

We want to help those who believe in the humanity of others reclaim our ground and keep moving forward on the journey toward creating a fair and just Fairfield County.

And we’re doing that by embracing a concept we know well: the power of community.

Recently, we launched Allies for Equity — a new community of philanthropists, activists, and advocates who are committed to creating a Fairfield County where everyone has an equitable opportunity to thrive.

Part membership group, part learning community, part action network, Allies for Equity offers you an opportunity to come together with your neighbors to learn about our region’s most pressing challenges and the inspiring work being done in response.

Through Allies for Equity, you can pursue and support partnerships that are helping Fairfield County create more equitable systems for housing, health, education, employment and asset building.

A chance to learn and build relationships

Above all, it is a chance for you to learn about our community and build relationships with others who care about its future.

As one of my favorite quotes reflects, “change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” It is on each of us to create the community we all deserve.

I invite you to become part of this exciting new group of changemakers — and to join us in standing together for a better future for Fairfield County.

In Community,

Mendi Blue Paca