Be an Advocate
Together, we can change the old systems that have left some of our community members behind. Here are some ways you can get involved in advancing equitable policies to build a better future for everyone in Fairfield County.
Four Ways You Can Help Drive Change

Get Out the Vote
Your vote is powerful! It’s important to raise your voice in both national and local elections. Mark your calendar and make a plan for voting – and share this information to help get out the vote.

Stay Informed on Legislation
Want to stay up to date on pending state legislation and policy deliberations? Sign up to get daily updates or stream public events on demand through the Connecticut Network.

Contact Your Elected Official
Want to ask for policy changes or support a bill that advances a cause you care about? Get the names and contact information for the people who represent you at the federal, state, and local levels.

Testify at a Public Hearing
Make your voice heard! Watch a short video series on how to testify at a Connecticut legislative public hearing (and get general tips that can help you advocate more effectively at any type of public hearing).