Fairfield County’s Advocacy Day Registration Open to All Nonprofits
Apr 30, 2018
Advocacy Day is May 31, 2018 at Grace Farms
(Norwalk, CT) Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNE) is offering an exciting, interactive and collaborative Advocacy Day on the morning of Thursday, May 31st at Grace Farms in New Canaan, CT. As the culmination of their Advocacy Series, FCCF is offering a half-day seminar that will highlight the opportunity to learn how to elevate one’s voice and viewpoint to create impactful change with seminar partner, Grace Farms Foundation. From 9:00 am until 12:30 pm, participants will hear from experts, join a panel discussion and participate in break-out workshops.
“Advocacy Day 2018 promises to be one of those memorable opportunities for our nonprofits statewide to learn more about each other, focus on developing new skills and building relationships to create impactful change. At Fairfield County’s Community Foundation, we understand the power of informing our constituents about issues, and giving them the tools for effective civic engagement,” stated Juanita James, President and CEO, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation.
Fairfield County’s Advocacy Day 2018 will emphasize boosting advocacy skills, networking with other local nonprofits advocating for change in their communities and across the state and will feature a national voice in supporting nonprofits in their advocacy campaigns. The featured keynote speaker is Frances Kunreuther from the Building Movement Project.
Skill Building breakout sessions will feature The Nuts & Bolts of Lobbying led by Elizabeth Brown, E.C. Brown Consulting; Incorporating Human Voice & Data for Great Storytelling with expert Mackenzie Rigg, CT Mirror; Building A Bigger Tent: Exploring & Securing New Partnerships under the direction of Krishna Patel, Grace Farms Foundation and Purpose, Power & Influence: Essential Elements for an Effective Advocacy Campaign with Jeff Shaw, CT Community Nonprofit Alliance. A panel discussion including Anka Badurina of Building One Community, Maddie Granato of CT Women’s Education and Legal Fund, Laura McCargar of Perrin Family Foundation and Val Ramos of Everyday Democracy is an additional feature of the morning seminar.
“Advocacy Day provides a meaningful opportunity for the not-for-profit sector in Connecticut to come together to equip themselves with strategies to further advance their good work. Grace Farms is the ideal place to convene and collaborate; the River building inspires thinking beyond boundaries,” said Lisa Lynne Kirkpatrick, Grace Farms Foundation Community Initiative Director.
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation Advocacy Series launched this year’s program with Legislative Forums in December and January with a focus on strengthening relationships between nonprofit leaders and elected officials to encourage them to work together for community improvement. The series was developed to help nonprofit leaders build the relationships, knowledge and skills to make them better advocates for their organizations and the communities they serve. Advocacy Day 2018 is the culmination of these efforts.
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Center for Nonprofit Excellence strives to improve the effectiveness of Fairfield County nonprofit organizations by developing leaders, improving operations, and fostering an environment of collaboration. Our capability to support the void that impacts the ability of many nonprofits to flourish and opens the door for more revenue-generating opportunities is an essential dynamic because ‘together we thrive’.
Tickets are $35. Registration information and details of the seminar are available at https://fccfoundation.org/event/fairfield-countys-advocacy-day/. Grace Farms is located at 365 Lukes Wood Road in New Canaan, CT.
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