“To change the world in some way, in one way or another”
May 16, 2023
Pictured above: Julia, center, celebrates her graduation from Columbia Law School in 2020 with her beloved siblings Kim and Greg.
Julia Ghahramani was an advocate and a leader who combined a sharp intellect with a deep reservoir of empathy and compassion.

These traits led her to earn a degree from Columbia Law School and launch her career as an attorney who had a passion for immigration cases.
“If she knew something was wrong, she would take matters into her own hands,” recalls Julia’s mother, Lily Ann Marden.
Julia was just starting her adult life when she died unexpectedly at the age of 26. For Lily Ann and her husband, Sassan Ghahramani, the sudden loss of their talented daughter has brought unspeakable grief. But in the face of their indescribable pain, Lilly Ann and Sassan have vowed to make sure her memory lives on in others who share Julia’s spirit.
“We lost our daughter, and the world lost all of the hopes and dreams that Julia could have achieved for the remainder of her life,” said Sassan of his family’s decision to create The Julia Ghahramani Foundation. “It’s important to us to have a legacy for Julia to try and make some positive change in the world.”
The Julia Ghahramani Foundation, a donor-advised fund at FCCF, supports nonprofits, students and student-led organizations dedicated to social justice issues including gun control, hunger, homelessness, women’s rights, immigrant and refugee rights and criminal justice.
“‘To change the world in some way, in one way or another,’ was her high school yearbook quote. We want to help other young people who are trying to change the world and instill these ideals that a younger generation can help change the world for the better.”
Lily Ann Marden,
Mother of Julia Ghahramani,
co-Founder of the Julia Ghahramani Foundation
For anyone who would like to learn more about supporting The Julia Ghahramani Foundation, please visit TheJuliaGhahramaniFoundation.org.
To learn more about how FCCF can support your giving, please contact Joseph Collin, Vice President of Philanthropy, at JCollin@FCCFoundation.org.
To set up your own fund: FCCFoundation.org/CreateFund
The mission of the Foundation is to support charitable organizations, students and student-led organizations dedicated to social justice issues including human rights, gun control, hunger, homelessness, women’s rights, immigrant and refugee rights, criminal justice, legal representation and access to education and economic opportunity for disadvantaged youth.
The Foundation honors Julia by upholding her beliefs in democracy, equality, fair treatment and opportunity for all people. It seeks to carry on Julia’s dedication throughout her beautiful 26 years, as a child, student and young attorney, to help her fellow humans, to empower youth, to build community and to ensure all people have access to justice. It also continues Julia’s work by supporting leadership development in young adults who are actively striving, as she did, to make the world a better place for all. Learn more.