The Fund for Women & Girls
Status Report and Landscape Analysis Highlights 2019
The Fund for Women & Girls is committed to advancing gender equity and investing in sustainable solutions that strengthen the economic security, health, and safety of women and girls throughout Fairfield County. We regularly commission research to assess progress and inform our funding priorities. To gauge the needs and service gaps impacting women and girls in our region, as well as service providers, in 2019 we commissioned two bodies of research—Count Her In: A Status Report on Women and Girls in Fairfield County and Count Them In: A Landscape Analysis of Fairfield County Organizations Supporting Women & Girls. We have also created a companion piece of recommendations for closing the opportunity gap for women and girls based on the research.
Produced in partnership with DataHaven and Knowledge Designs to Change, our two bodies of research collectively include more than 70 pages of data. The status report uses quantitative data from federal and state government sources and qualitative data derived from stakeholders to ascertain how women and girls in our county are faring. The landscape analysis uses qualitative data derived from providers who offer gender-specific supports for women and girls in Fairfield County. Together, these two research reports help us better understand the under-met needs of women and girls in our diverse county, as well as barriers to accessing services.
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A landscape analysis of Fairfield County Orgs Supporting Women & Girls.